Adventist Education Simi Valley Elementary serves as a private, co-educational, Christian School in Simi Valley, California. We offer a quality Christian education from Kindergarten through eighth grade.
Attending Adventist Education Simi Valley Elementary will make your children better people. They will be mentored by the finest, certified Adventist teachers. They will be challenged to learn new concepts, new skills, and new ways of thinking - all rising from the school's dedication to academic and spiritual excellence. They will be inspired by Biblical models for living, and will be given practical opportunities to develop a God-like character of selfless service. If you and your children choose to accept this education, we will be proud to reach that goal.
Preparing a student for an ever changing world is not an easy task. Adventist Education Simi Valley Elementary believes that there is a need to prepare each student for this complex, energetic, tech-savvy 21st century. The Global Digital Citizen Foundation has gathered information from educators from around the world now define the 21st-century students as students that have the following skills:
AESV Elementary believes in inspiring and challenging each student to include each of these skills. We believe in preparing a child for a life where they don’t just survive but succeed at the next level. Developing these abilities and traits will serve them in a new era that will shift and emerge rapidly.