Quality Christian Education
- To impart a thorough knowledge of the Bible as the Word of God.
- To guide students toward obedience to the Word of God and its principles.
- To promote reverence for God and thoughtful kindness to man.
- To provide an atmosphere in which the students may become personally acquainted with Jesus as the Christ and their Savior.
- To encourage students to develop talents, to be practicing Christians, loyal, patriotic citizens knowingly aware of the needs of their neighbors and willing to serve.
Academic Goals
- To provide an atmosphere in which students will be inspired toward academic excellence.
- To encourage students to think critically, independently, and creatively.
- To provide course selections that will allow students to obtain the building blocks necessary to attain spiritual, professional and vocational goals.
Social Goals
- To provide opportunities for students to demonstrate acceptance of and respect for the rights of others.
- To provide opportunities for students to understand and without prejudice demonstrate an appreciation for all people and cultures.
- To provide opportunities for students to accept his or her civic responsibility for the environment and maintenance of peace.
- To provide an environment in which each individual receives respect and fair treatment by others.
Quality Christian Education
- To provide an environment in which the student will learn the value of a temperate life.
- To teach the value of lifetime Christian recreation.
- To provide avenues for development of physical fitness.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop a practical skill.