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One Body

The class sizes are small and also include more than one grade, which recent studies have shown are extremely beneficial to the student.  The older students in the classroom learn to help and nurture the younger students. In turn, the younger students are given extra care and attention not only from their teacher, but from their peers. Our school’s small size also creates a wonderful community of students at all grade levels. The youngest students play with the oldest!  Students become a family, and learn to rely on friends of all age groups. Older students learn important leadership and mentoring skills.  The school operates, at every level, with all students in mind.

Enrich the Mind

Our school is passionately committed to our students’ academic excellence.  With the low student-teacher ratio, our students have consistently performed well on standardized tests. Student leaves our school well prepared for high school. Through peer-mentoring, students have an opportunity to learn by teaching other students.

Serve the Community

We believe that we are working for a higher purpose.  Our purpose is to serve God and each other.  We strive to instill the principle of service into each of our students. We serve our school, local, and global communities through various projects throughout each year.

Worship One Lord

We believe that there is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:4 -6). We worship and spend time with Him every day. We believe that there is not greater authority on this earth than the Holy Scriptures. We believe that our students grow in Christ, they will not only be academically well grounded  for  high  school,  but  spiritually  well-grounded  for  eternity.  This  is  our highest purpose, goal, and privilege.

Servant Leader

“And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your servant -just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:27-28

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